Community Creations

Show off your MCC and MCCI creations - whatever the medium!
Hello There! Today we are back in Battle Box and we have a new strategy also it is now confirmed that Logan is the real life Hawkeye!
I finally made a video about the van and all the happenings that went on!! Took a lot of work but i am proud of the final product :D
Hi, I recently made a video on my YouTube channel showcasing how I won every MCC Island minigame 1-handed. I worked very hard on it for a long time, and I'd really appreciate it if anyone that sees this gives it a view. Feedback is also appreciated. Anyway, here is the video link, hope you enjoy! Link:
Pls give me feedback! Have a wonderful day!
Hello There! Today we are back with some more Battle Box and I think we are finally starting to get the hang of 1.9 pvp (finally lol) but I would say we kinda swept the floor with these teams!
By now, must of us know of the lab: a mysterious room that can be seen for only a fraction of a second while falling down a small hole on Island streets. But while many have tried, no one knows what this lab is for. Today, I’ve finally figured it out. Everyone has heard about the yellow creatures. Strange beings that stare into your soul mindlessly, spreading themselves to every corner of the map. Yet no one truly knows why this phenomenon began. It all began when an innocent Islander known as AProfLoser entered the peaceful town. However, Noxcrew wasn’t sure how to handle their island yet, so they captured Prof to experiment. Over the days, they tried to figure out how to maximize engagement and fun levels on the Island. In doing...
Hello There! We are back with some more Sky Battle and all I gotta say is that this game will have you guys at the edge of your seats for the entire game, it was just a very intense game from beginning to end!
I would be so grateful for feedback! Have a great day!
GUESS WHAT GUYS?! I'M STARTING MY VERY OWN THOUGHTS ON SERIES HERE! Every Wednesday, I will post a new thoughts on thread on anything I can think of. It can be related to mcc island or related to something I enjoy or maybe sometimes your suggestions. For that last one, I'll post how suggestions will work next monday. As for now, I hope you enjoy this new series. Let's kick it off with a Thomas and Friends episode that usually lots of fans in the thomas community hates, Henry's Magic Box! Here is The episode link: Post Your thoughts on in the reply box.
Hello There! Welcome to the Battle Box Holiday Special! I can not begin to tell you guys how many times we attempted this recording and SOMETHING went wrong either in game or just recording issues but we got it and we hope you guys enjoy this!
Before: After: Do you guys see two differences with these pictures. Cause I see both of them. Hint: Technoblade: Bro these 2 are getting destroyed (joke inserted here)
Hello There! In the Holiday Special for To Get to the Other Side we find ourselves checking out the new maps and one map was just fantastic! But in the end we did it for Kino Loy!
Hello There! Today we are playing Skybattle and all I gotta say the game is just intense from beginning to end + the final battle is just hilarious!
This is a short on what MCCI players think about Twitter 🐦! Hope you like it! :grin:
so my lore is basically pretty much there is this dude and everyone thinks hes trash at pvp but really hes pretty A tier and also some weird people named Umalura thinks he is a pigeon for some reason but he is not a pigeon. so basically this guy goes and beats up Filza and RonnyOuttit and YoYoDuos and after he beats up these people he was like "dang they are trash" so he goes and beats up Dram and Illuminate and VegetableBeans and after he beat those guys up hes like "ok that was pretty tough 3v1" and he decides to go take a nap in the bank. So hes sleeping like most not-pigeons do and BAM the bank is gettiing robded so he pulls out the glo- i mean diamond sword and starts hitting the robbers and he does a crit, BAM robber 1 DOWN then...
MCCI Utils A Quality of Life Mod What is MCCI Utils? MCCI Utils is a mod that provides players with features to make their time on MCC Island more immersive and enjoyable. It adds multiple different features like chat mentions and Discord status, and many more. I'm constantly taking suggestions for features to add as well as adding hidden Easter Eggs which relate to events that have happened on the server. Features: Screenshots: Dependencies REQUIRED: (Without these the mod will not run) Fabric and Fabric API Optional: (These mods are optional but allow for ingame configuration of the mod) Mod Menu and Cloth Config Links Download: GitHub: Does...