Community Creations

Show off your MCC and MCCI creations - whatever the medium!
Introducing Alex! Your #1 MCC Discord bot! Alex is a stats and utilities Discord bot that provides a whole bunch of fun and useful features. You can invite Alex to your server at! Check out some of Alex's commands: /event: View information about the current MCC event /teams: View the teams of the current MCC event /results: View the scores and placements of teams and players from the previous MCC /badges: View all the hidden badges on MCC Island /cosmetics: Lookup how to obtain certain hidden cosmetics on MCC Island /status: View the current status of MCC services and any current maintenance and incidents /bee: Setup daily reminders to claim your Bee freebie I have a bunch of more features planned including...
MCC Island Magazine - Issue 2, July 2023 Here is the second issue of the magazine I started making in June (which you can see here), including the updates and news we received on the forums throughout the month of July! Articles are written by @Noctis_Mori and @soupforeloise , created in InDesign by me :-] Gonna try to print it later when I get home, I'll post it here if I'm successful! What's your favourite page? Mine's number 9! Thanks for readin', here is a link to view it as a PDF! Enjoy :] - Spacenyx
Had a lot of fun playing the new skybattle, so It hought I'd share :D
Alright. It's been a while since I last showed off my MCC Recreations, and I'm going to be honest, before a couple of days ago, I had not done any work. One part of me forgot, and the other part of me just didn't want to work on it. With that being said, I did come back to working on it, and the main game I worked on was Sands of Time. I started some other games, and I finished Parkour Tag, but I don't want to show those off yet (Definitely not because I made the Parkour Tag Map too small). So, I got a lot of things done in Sands of Time. Last time, all I had were the Sand Timer and some brief parts of the map. After working on it quite a bit more, I have now added 3/4 keys and 1/4 vaults. You can say I've been hard at work. If you...
I seem to have captured your attention, therefore you must now to watch THE ENTIRE VIDEO :laughing: But for real, it's hilarous. Enjoy! thumbnail image:
THE INDIGO ISLANDERS ! ! Me and KeyanTheGreat, @tarkabear and @Zaccc are teaming up to apply for MCC Rising, here's our application video!! Thanks for checking it out :] (edited by Keyan (thank you Keyan(we love Keyan)))
This guide will give you some of my tips and tricks on how to improve at Parkour Warrior: Survivor! Hope you find this helpful:
MCC Island is OPEN! ..or, well, it opened like 3 weeks ago. So I'm kinda late with this video but BETTER LATE THAN NEVER! Thank u for checking it out I appreciate it :]
MCC Island Magazine - Issue 1, June 2023 So, I had the idea of making a fake magazine-thing for MCC Island with the recent updates on the server, and with my limited experience with doing similar stuff in InDesign for school assignments, I decided to take on the task! This took a decent amount of time but was still pretty fun to make, so if people like it maybe I'll make these monthly with all the updates from the previous month in magazine/newspaper format! All of the content in here was written by @Noctis_Mori, the "articles" are some of the update threads posted throughout this month of June :) Created in InDesign by me Here it is: Obligatory advertisement on the last page, of course The articles used in the...
Hello There! In this game of Battle Box we get an AMAZING healer (shout out to you Marshall!) and all I am gonna say this is a pretty intense game and of course we are clutching up as usual!
Parkour Warrior: Dojo Run Ghosts! 👻 For the next release of my MCC: Island mod, MCCI: Companion, I'm adding ghosts to Parkour Warrior: Dojo! The mod records previous your runs, allowing you to replay them on command. See them in action here: This feature has been released in MCCI: Companion v5.0.0 Alpha 4! See the release article here
This guide will teach you all about the cosmetics and progression system on MCC Island. Let me know what you guys think, hope you all enjoy!
Hello There! MCC Island is officially in open beta so you guys know what that means, we are gonna be grinding out videos on here! This Battle Box game is probably one of the most clutch games we have had in a while! I am not gonna spoil too much but this will have you guys on the edge of your seat!
I may not be completely new to MCCI, but this is indeed my first video of it on my channel!