Community Creations

Show off your MCC and MCCI creations - whatever the medium!
Hello There! MCC Island is FINALLY Open to everyone! We go around the lobby hyping up the server and showing off all the new features! We can't wait to start making videos on MCC Island again and we hope you guys are too!
My post with the Sky Battle and Battle Box map icons has been getting some more attention recently, so I'd like to share that I did end up making icons for every map present in closed beta, including the Seasonal ones!
After scrolling through reddit and seeing people posting their stats from closed beta (time between first wipe and server close) I thought it would be cool to create a nice looking page to showcase those stats. (This project is private 'for now') I complied stats for 3 players, Noxite, MrManzo (#1 on the games played leaderboard) and Myself (TheMysterys). Below are some images from the site. One thing to note is that the Faction and Level is random picked on page load, while the stats are from the Stats Archive page. Note this is just the first iteration for this site and I want to keep updating it as much as I can, and any feedback is appreciated. (Inspiration was taken from SkyCrypt for layout but code is my own) The site is...
I've created an icon for each map currently implemented in Battle Box and Sky battle! Each of these were created from scratch, but try to emulate the pixel art style of the existing icons used on MCCI (not the new queue buttons, the other ones). For maximum unity in the set, each of the icons use the same colour palette, with only Paint Factory using a colour not seen anywhere else (purple). I tried to capture the spirit of each map without necessarily remaining fully true to how the map is actually laid out. Further, I tried to encapsulate what makes each map unique or take a specific identifying aspect of it. For example, Canal prominently features the flags that line the walls of the arena, while Paint Factory sports the ladders...
Anyone else want to be added to this poster: If you dont see your Prof pic, tell me that you want to be added
Hi, Elliot Here! I'm making a MCCI BANNER!!!!! I need u all to tell as many MCCI Players to send in there logo of some kind* I will slowly be fillin this up with all your guys logos. STEPS 1. Basiclly Comment "I'm In" So Ill know to download ur Profile pic 2. Ill just randomly add ppl Ill show the results in a week Oh and by logo I mean Profile Pic like this:
Hi everyone! I have been working on a Community MCCI Poster! It has been close to a week, and I'm ready a to share! Let me know what you think!
Watch here! The thumbnail isnt the best because I havent installed replay mod for 1.19.4 yet, but also I would like to know some ways to make my thumbnails better because they are not the best...
Im Sorry I cant find a transparent TGTTOS thing, but the Doubles @Flame and Just "MCC" is gone I think this one looks better tho: This one still got rid of double @Flame, but Tgttosawaf and just "MCC" is Here.
I made a video with my friend where we plugged two mouses into my computer and used the power of clickspeed to win TGTTOS
As you most likely don’t know, there is serious LORE on forums, especially concerning the Pigeonverse, featuring @NotAPidgeon, @PigeonIsMe, @TotallyAPidgeon, @LumauraIsMe and even @NotNotAPidgeon. Therefore, I must ask: who is canon to MCCI lore? Am I the narrator who tells the tale of these strange circumstances, or simply another figure in this ever expanding multiverse??? Mods and Noxcrew, feel free to join in and BECOME ONE WITH THE LORE.
we also played it at the end even though it was very scuffed since we didn't code anything to make it function like the game :sweat_smile: link
If you see the player Toasty know he is a team-killer already submitted a report.
I am digital artist, and physical one, but I am not very good. Please post your art here for me and other members of the community to see. I am also making this thread as a place for artists to just share their work. (Do note that the art does not have the be MCCI or Minecraft related). Please also do not post anything inappropriate. Thanks, G3ometri :)
I think you'll find this hilarious! Also, let us know what you think about the video! 😁
A trailer for the practice map of tgttos. Join the TGTTOS Speedrunning Discord for more info!
100 of us over on the subreddit got together to make a banner with every single S2 player!
Hello There! We are back playing Sky Battle and today we do what we should ALWAYS do in these games and that is STICK TOGETHER! For some reason we don't do that but this is such a chaotic game that I know you guys are gonna enjoy!