MCCI Community: Chosen 5 Player Teams Tournament👑
Overview 🎖
Saturday 9th December, 20:00 GMT
Chosen Teams (Signup As A 5 Player Team)
12 Teams
5 Games & A Dynaball Finale
No Prize Pool: Just For Fun!
Do you have too many friends? Then here's Chosen 5 Player Teams! Each game, you'll choose 4 players to play in the round, with the 5th being able to spectate and give comms to your team.
📚 Here's how the tournament works:
We'll play 5 games in total, 3 rounds of each! Dynaball won't be a voteable game, as it's instead our finale! The game order will be determined by a weighted wheel spin - meaning the more votes a game gets, the more likely it being picked.
The game multipliers increase as the event goes on, meaning that the later...