
Find the latest MCC Island Community Tournament or promote your own!
Welcome to Island Ensemble! General Tournament Information: IE 1 will be played on July 14th, at 4:00PM EST. 8 Teams of 4 will compete to become the Ensemble Champions! 3 Rounds of all 6 games will be played. The tournament is 100% a for fun experience. Island Ensemble is a brand new MCCi event in which 8 Teams of 4 will be battling across all 6 games to fight another team in Dodgebolt, a best-of-5 4v4 bow duel. Recording the event is not required, but is allowed. In case you don't know how MCCi events work, here is the general concept; The players will play 3 rounds of all 6 games (except TGTTOS, which will have 2 rounds for Ensemble) Just like the event, there will be a game multiplier for each game. (x1.0, x1.5, x2.0, x2.0, x2.5...
MCCI Sweats Championship 4 Second tournament in a month! 🗓️ Time: Saturday, August 24, 2024 at 2:00 PM EDT 📜 Sign-up form: (link below) Format :island: 4 games :coins: Game multipliers will be in the following order: 1x, 1.25x, 1.5x, 2x :survival_games: Games will be fairly chosen in voting, giving every team a chance to vote for every game! :dodgebolt: The top two teams will face off in Dodgebolt. Best of 3 wins the event! Sign-ups close on August 19, so if you want to play, sign up before they close! Sign up with the link below! Sign-up form
⚔ Quick! We need help for the Attack on The Archipelago! ⚔ Join all-new factions in their fight for the crown! Introducing.. icons by skyebutfake :trophy: Red Rays :trophy: Orange Octopi :trophy: Golden Guppies :trophy: Lime Lionfish :trophy: Emerald Eels :trophy: icons by errinho565 and noxcrew :trophy: Cyan Crabs :trophy: Aqua Axolotls :trophy: Sapphire Sharks :trophy: Purple Plankton :trophy: Pink Pufferfish :trophy: In this brand-new tournament community, we offer MCC-like tournaments for all skill levels and any size of team! Let's talk about it! :trophy: The tournaments we are looking forward to hosting.. :trophy: - Balanced, 4-player teams that mimic MCC, but on Island! Trio and duo tournaments where you can...
MCCI Sweats Championship 3 Here we go again! 🗓️ Time: Saturday, August 3, 2024 at 2:00 PM EDT 📜 Sign-up form: (link below) Sign-ups close on July 29, so if you want to play, sign up before they close! Format :island: 4 games :coins: Game multipliers will be in the following order: 1x, 1.25x, 1.5x, 2x :survival_games: Games will be fairly chosen in voting, giving every team a chance to vote for every game! :dodgebolt: For the finale, every team will be asked before the tournament what they would like to play as the finale in case they place well enough to play. Sign up with the link below! Signup form