
Find the latest MCC Island Community Tournament or promote your own!
Alright. I want to make my own MCC Island Tournament, so I'm doing that. Welcome to MCCT! MCCT is a Minecraft Tournament here on MCC Island hosted by yours truly. Now you may be asking yourself, how does it work? MCCT is a Tournament that works similar to MCC. The games will be played in a random order or by vote with each game getting a higher multiplier, therefore being worth more points. When will events take place? Events will take place at least once a month. More will probably be played as long as attendance is large enough. What are the requirements for being apart of the Tournament? There are no major requirements for being apart of the tournament. While making YouTube videos or streaming events would be appreciated, it...
:crown: What is Island Rivals? :crown: Island Rivals is an MCCI event ran by me and a few other staff members! The first event is being ran on the 29th July at 9pm BST/4pm EST. Right now, we have 12 signups but are looking for more! The event will either be ran in teams of two or four depending on how many players are available, but the format of games remains the same! The first event has three rounds of HITW, TGTTOS and Battle Box, but four rounds of Sky Battle! The multipliers are: x1, x1.5, x2, x2.5. Game order is decided by a vote in the discord (linked below) and the top two teams go on to a finale in dodgebolt! (hosted on Also, there will never be any cash prize for the event as it is meant to just be a fun...
Disclaimer: Our tournaments are not official, run by or endorsed by Noxcrew. By signing up, you're agreeing to our tournament rules, and accept that breaking these rules will result in punishment from our events. Overview 🏅 Tournaments have no given date but are frequent, you can find the next one on the discord server This is meant to be a fun open small-scale MCC-inspired tournament You may record/stream the events if you want Teams are chosen by Carrot There are no set amount of teams for each event but each are inspired from the MCC teams There is no prize pool Welcome to CMT (Carrot's Minecraft Tournament)! We were formally called MMC (Micro Minecraft Championships, as our goal is to simulate the MCC tournament in a fun way on...
MCCI Community: Open Beta Tournament #1 👑 Overview 🏅 :sot:Saturday 1st July, 18:00 BST :green: Chosen Teams (Signup As A 4) :parkour_tag:16 Teams :grid_runners:4 Games (No Parkour Warrior) & Dodgebolt :pink: No Prize Pool: Just For Fun! Welcome to our first canon tournament of Open Beta: MCCIC Open Beta 1! This is our first tournament of competitive Season 1, so you'll earn points towards that as well. For our first few tournaments, you'll be able to sign up with a team you choose. After this, we'll go back to running mostly balanced tournaments! 📚 For those of you who're new, here's how our tournaments work: We'll play 4 games in total, 3 rounds of each! The game order will be determined by a weighted wheel spin - meaning the...