MCC Island

News and Announcements for MCC Island
Patch 0.23.5 has gone live, with the addition of server links and just a few small, but important, bug fixes. Changes and Bug Fixes Added server links to the pause menu for clients on 1.21 and higher. This also directs you to our bug reporting form if your client crashes due to an error caused by the server. Discovered grottos now flash in the Fishing navigator menu. This should help ensure you never forget to go to a grotto! Fixed an issue where Greedy Hook and Treasure Magnet augments, and also Lucky Hook and Spirit Magnet augments shared an equip limit. Fixed an issue that was causing it to be impossible to catch Pure Spirits when fishing at base chances (e.g. without augments or other buffs). Fixed an issue that was causing Mythic...
Patch 0.23.4 has just landed. Yep, two in one week! What a treat. This patch primarily focuses on some Fishing build changes, as well as more bug fixes for disconnection issues. Fishing Changes Certain Fishing islands and grottos have been reworked or entirely rebuilt to be smaller and easier to traverse. Don't worry though, no areas have seen a reduction in total fishing spots! The larger variants of the Temperate Grotto have had some paths/sections closed off and their spots moved to accessible areas. All variants of the Tropical Grotto have been fully rebuilt, greatly improving this grotto. All spots are much easier to find and none are in annoying locations. Additionally, all the variants are much smaller than before, making them...
Patch 0.23.3 has just gone live on the Island, with a whole bunch of pretty major bug fixes for various long-standing issues. Whilst you're all here reading this, I wanted to just take a moment to address those of you who are experiencing various client and server performance issues at the moment. We're all actively working on addressing as many performance issues as we can, but it will take a bit of time until we're 100% happy with how the network is performing. We hope to bring a proper dedicated performance update to the server in the future, and this update includes many behind-the-scenes debugging changes to help us identify issues. In addition to client and server performance issues, we're also aware that some people experience...
New year new me patch! Our first patch of the year, 0.23.1, has just dropped. This patch removes the winter event, but also has a whole host of bug fixes and some fishing balancing changes too. Want to find out more about our brand new game? Check out the big Fishing article to learn all you need to know! Fishing Balancing Changes Bait and Lines have been rebalanced to make more sense. Common to Rare bait and lines are now valued lower and are cheaper to buy. You can now upcraft bait and lines 5:1 all the way from Common to Legendary. The Elite Angler hidden vendor now sells Rare, Epic, and Legendary bait and lines in exchange for only pearls. This is intended as an end-game pearl sink. Treasure chests have also seen some moderate...