Community Creations

Show off your MCC and MCCI creations - whatever the medium!
NOTE: Due to Noxcrew’s rules regarding recreations, this project is and will remain private. Trying to ask me for the world or if you can play on it will result in a hard “NO.” Tick-Tock… Welcome, all, to a dark, ominous temple, lost to time and freshly uncovered. As a team of archaeologists, your job is to delve into the depths of this mysterious, ancient structure and record your findings… while picking up a bit of loot along the way. But be warned… the long-undisturbed darkness has caused many dangers to come into being, and the temple as a whole is working to keep its secrets from becoming public knowledge. In the central chamber, a giant, mysterious sand timer stands ominously. Its contents began to drain the moment you set foot...
Hallo! Im Gerald_TM. Ive been playing mcci for a while now, and want to take a quick second to do two things before droping these screenshots: First, I want to thank all the Devs; Artists; Mods; -insert group(s) I forgot here- ; and you, the community! to the Noxcrew, we, the community greatly apreciate all of your work. the little details, the wonderful games, and want you to know that all of little touches dont go unnoticed. Take your time, and dont rush new updates/bug fixes. I think I speak for all of when I say we'd rather quality over quantity. You have created a unique, meta upsetting server in the already crowded space of java edition servers. To the community, its great to see a more welcoming friendly group of players than...
As you most likely don’t know, there is serious LORE on forums, especially concerning the Pigeonverse, featuring @NotAPidgeon, @PigeonIsMe, @TotallyAPidgeon, @LumauraIsMe and even @NotNotAPidgeon. Therefore, I must ask: who is canon to MCCI lore? Am I the narrator who tells the tale of these strange circumstances, or simply another figure in this ever expanding multiverse??? Mods and Noxcrew, feel free to join in and BECOME ONE WITH THE LORE.
Pls give me feedback! Have a wonderful day!
By now, must of us know of the lab: a mysterious room that can be seen for only a fraction of a second while falling down a small hole on Island streets. But while many have tried, no one knows what this lab is for. Today, I’ve finally figured it out. Everyone has heard about the yellow creatures. Strange beings that stare into your soul mindlessly, spreading themselves to every corner of the map. Yet no one truly knows why this phenomenon began. It all began when an innocent Islander known as AProfLoser entered the peaceful town. However, Noxcrew wasn’t sure how to handle their island yet, so they captured Prof to experiment. Over the days, they tried to figure out how to maximize engagement and fun levels on the Island. In doing...
so my lore is basically pretty much there is this dude and everyone thinks hes trash at pvp but really hes pretty A tier and also some weird people named Umalura thinks he is a pigeon for some reason but he is not a pigeon. so basically this guy goes and beats up Filza and RonnyOuttit and YoYoDuos and after he beats up these people he was like "dang they are trash" so he goes and beats up Dram and Illuminate and VegetableBeans and after he beat those guys up hes like "ok that was pretty tough 3v1" and he decides to go take a nap in the bank. So hes sleeping like most not-pigeons do and BAM the bank is gettiing robded so he pulls out the glo- i mean diamond sword and starts hitting the robbers and he does a crit, BAM robber 1 DOWN then...
Sooooooo what are those Ninjas here for? I don't know what there are here for but I will keep investigating and keep you updated
The Noxcrew Potion Effect has been around since the beginning of the Beta Version and it seems to be useless. Little did you know this effect could determine the future of MCCI. This brewery we were given the second we joined, we are obligated to drink this elixir. Every single day we log onto the server thinking everything is as usual, but this effect is controling the MCCI Server. Now think about it: When you join, who is the first person you meet? The Faction Master! This tyrant has poisned us all and we don't even realise it! Stay safe out there!
Hello There!! Did you know There's a Secret Lab on the Island? In one of the sewers you can see this mysterious lab To go there you need to get to the spawn From there, you pass by all the minigames And continue by the left path You can see it with this video: As you can see, we ended up in a manhole cover to go down the sewers You need to be facing the shop to see the lab as you can see in this video: It was too fast but I took a screenshot so you can see the Lab better Cool Right? and you can even go inside, let me show you how In spawn go to the left path go all the way to the taco truck (also please noxcrew give us a soggy taco, never asked you anything please) go up the stairs and take left again A pond is...
I was wondering around in the main Island (as you do...) and noticed an NPC with a strange path. His name is Benny Business! Almost all of the NPCs on the Island have a fixed place to stay but some of them have a path, and this path normally dont really leaves you anywhere, but this doesnt happen with Benny, he passes by a lot of interesting points as Im gonna show! The Benny Business Path Starts with him in the bank (or "The Coin Sink" for intellectuals), he "talks" (more like passes by...) with Jazz Beffesto, the banker! I suppose Benny is withdrawing some coins to his Business. Moving on, Benny passes through Weezoo, the firework NPC, It sounds to me that Benny is getting some fireworks and explosions for some of his...
So you know that there have been many yellow creatures roaming around and there is that huge circular hole somewhere on the map, I have a theory that the yellow creatures came from space and landed in that hole and then made their spaceship invisible so we couldn't find it.
i feel fearfull knowing theres lore between mcc islands and just minecraft championships if anyone wants to go here the coords are 351 26 200
You may notice that many of the games within MCC as well as the main hub itself have very advanced technology, such as frost-powered bows, teleporting pickaxes, and even a gravitational field that bounces humans up in the air whenever they touch it. You may also notice that there is a specific map in the game TGTTOSAWAF called Terra Swoop Force, which itself is a Minecraft map. The plot of Terra Swoop Force is quite complicated, but the basic premise of the map is (taken from the Noxcrew's website) "You are a member of a special task force hired by Geo Descent Labs. Your mission? To discover what happened to the Terra Scooper bore-drill and its crew when it mysteriously vanished thirty years ago." This alone doesn't seem that...
My head canon has always been how every peice of MCYT are part of 1 big canon timeline, I want to talk about my placement for MCC on this I put MC Championships at the very end of the canon timeline, the lore being that gods (noxcrew) approached scott out of boredom, and asked to run an event where people from history would be pulled out and compete in an event. In exchange for his knowledge of history and selecting the participants scot obtained immortality. People in MCC know and talk about past events in other SMP's but rarely talk about MCC in canon of their lore. Meanwhile for say MCM it is directly mentioned in the DSMP as an event so likely took place as an actual evet. Furthermore MCC has a large mix of people that can really...
I like to think that Geo Descent Labs from Terra Swoop Force (and the two prequels) is behind MCC and MCC Island. Maybe canonically, it's similar to Portal, where Aperture is studying the participants. The machines keeping the MCC lobby afloat really add to this theory, because they seem very technical. On the timeline, this could take place as a prequel to TSF, or potentially, the lobby is currently afloat above the ice age apocalypse. Some games like Ace Race could even exist to test the capacity of the participant test suits. I mean, a level of Terra Swoop Force has even been one of the TGTTOSAWAF rounds! This theory works kind of similarly to the Pixar Theory, where it might not be 100% true, but it's definitely more fun to...
@Noxite r u creating an arg about GDL? If no plz create one PLZ:whistle:
Remember the maps noxcrew made?They were about the GDL. I guess there will be a GDL Easter egg in MCCI &it’s probably Alan talking about GDL stuff
Wait there's MCC lore? I knew about the GDL setting up shops at the back of the island (from the post) but I didn't know that it was full lore. Does anyone know anything else???
also, the only lore we have so far that I can think of is that the burgers are made out of slime maybe it could be a club penguin thing wear you have to infiltrate burgers but fast and save mcci I had this thought in another thread but could be interesting