Community Creations

Show off your MCC and MCCI creations - whatever the medium!
NOTE: Due to Noxcrew’s rules regarding recreations, this project is and will remain private. Trying to ask me for the world or if you can play on it will result in a hard “NO.” Tick-Tock… Welcome, all, to a dark, ominous temple, lost to time and freshly uncovered. As a team of archaeologists, your job is to delve into the depths of this mysterious, ancient structure and record your findings… while picking up a bit of loot along the way. But be warned… the long-undisturbed darkness has caused many dangers to come into being, and the temple as a whole is working to keep its secrets from becoming public knowledge. In the central chamber, a giant, mysterious sand timer stands ominously. Its contents began to drain the moment you set foot...
Hallo! Im Gerald_TM. Ive been playing mcci for a while now, and want to take a quick second to do two things before droping these screenshots: First, I want to thank all the Devs; Artists; Mods; -insert group(s) I forgot here- ; and you, the community! to the Noxcrew, we, the community greatly apreciate all of your work. the little details, the wonderful games, and want you to know that all of little touches dont go unnoticed. Take your time, and dont rush new updates/bug fixes. I think I speak for all of when I say we'd rather quality over quantity. You have created a unique, meta upsetting server in the already crowded space of java edition servers. To the community, its great to see a more welcoming friendly group of players than...