Suggestion: Make it clearer whether a bonus is additive or multiplicative


20 November 2022

I've recently been doing some fishing, and I've noticed something: many of the spot-specific fishing bonuses are multiplicative (they boost your current value of that stat by a relative percentage), and many are additive (they add a flat bonus to your stat). How do I know this? Well, because I've fished at "+200% Fish Magnet" spots and gotten only 1 fish (must be multiplicative), and I've fished at "+10% Elusive Fish Chance" spots and gotten elusive fish while still having a 0% base chance (must be additive).

Both of these are labeled as "+#% [Stat]", even though they mean completely different things. Also, some stats are labeled simply as "+# [Stat]" (no % sign), usually reserved for simple flat bonuses such as +10 Wayfinder Data.

I think that, for the sake of clarity and consistency, there should be some sort of in-game indication of this. Maybe additive stats could have a "(+)" next to their value, while multiplicative stats would have a "(x)". Alternatively (my preferred solution): all multiplicative stats could be reworked to be even clearer by saying something like "1.1x" instead of "+10%", as this leaves no ambiguity (e.g. that "+200% Fish magnet" would now say "3.0x Fish Magnet"). I also think that all additive stats should show the BASE STAT's added chance, even if the percentage change is different. (i.e. a flat bonus of 10% Elusive Fish Chance would instead say "+20 Elusive Fish Chance" since each point into Elusive Fish chance is worth a +0.5% increase in chance. Something which, by the way, should be a lot clearer- why are some stats worth a 5% chance, some 10%, others 1% or 0.5%? And none of it is clearly stated in-game!)

Thanks for reading. Hopefully something is soon implemented to fix this issue.
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