Disable enforce secure profile.

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12 August 2022
I'm a mod developer, although MCCI does take measures to prevent chat reports.
Enforce secure profile is still on, there is an issue with this. (edit: issue being that it doesn't work, but enforce secure profile is on)

Since I'm a mod developer, fabric has given me the ability to start minecraft with my mod straight from my integrated development environment, but since AuthMe (the mod I use to login with Microsoft for development) doesn't get a private key, which is done by the launcher. I can't easily debug my mod without having to move the mod into MultiMC or the Minecraft launcher.

The mod I'm making is a mod for MCCI that some small QoL features, like showing your party members usernames ingame and a voice-chat for your party, which needs me to use debugging features like logging chat, sidebar and bossbars.
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The reason you need a secure profile is to make sure your chat messages are signed. MCC Island does not take measures to prevent chat reporting, nor do they support preventing the use of Minecrafts Security features.

The reason chat reporting does not work on the server is due to signed chat not being supported on networks. This will hopefully be fixed in the near future but is not a priority for the team
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Actually I don't, I think it's better that they are enforcing that you're account is properly authenticated before letting you join the server. Plus it doesn't really affect me in the first place anyway so I don't mind
Actually I don't, I think it's better that they are enforcing that you're account is properly authenticated before letting you join the server. Plus it doesn't really affect me in the first place anyway so I don't mind
Well I mind, this adds 2 more steps into debugging my mod each time I have to test it. I wouldn't mind if the reporting feature actually worked, but now it protects and ensures nothing.
I'm a mod developer, although MCCI does take measures to prevent chat reports.
Enforce secure profile is still on, there is an issue with this.

This is not the case - we are not taking measures to prevent chat reports. We are actively working to support chat reporting and will be continuing to enforce and support it in the futue when the suitable development tooling allows us to.

We will continue to enforce secure profiles because of this.
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