Remove the time requirement from Expert (and Advanced) clears

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This is gonna be mixed, but hear me out, I don't like it.
  • Back in the first rotation, I had gone for 100% medals, despite me not being close to the skill level to do Experts. I suffered greatly, it took me multiple hours, and I got nothing from it. This is kinda weird imo
  • Time leaderboards and general server efficiency already promote completing courses faster, and repeat plays will themselves add more consistency, so skills will still be developed naturally.
  • Most other Game Pass mastery challenges can be completed just from lucking out a lot (which might even give motivation to naturally improve!), while the amount of luck necessary in PKWD to do its equivalent is just so much higher and practically nonexistent. Doesn't help that most parkour improvement would occur on other servers.
  • XP and progression rates would still be terrible without the time limit if someone takes an extremely long time.
  • I don't think the concept of "easy Experts" and "hard Experts" that has ended up forming in the community should exist. Getting the umbrella shouldn't amount to "wait for a good set of endings and grind for a day" imo.
  • To be frank, I'm just not good at parkour and don't like how some stuff is way more locked off to me. In all of my time playing Island, I have obtained...0 Expert completions.
I am not saying increase the difficulty. I'm not necessarily in favor of that. I just think the five-minute requirement in the current system is kinda arbitrary and doesn't need to exist.


25 January 2023
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(Reposting this from trophy hunting discord (slightly edited))
The debate basically is - do people not play dojo because the courses are too hard or because of the time limit and I really think its the latter. There are a lot of people who are willing to throw their head against a hard obstacle again and again because the rewarding feeling of getting it is worth it; the 5 min limit just dampens that as you feel like you're getting no reward for completing a course you struggle on.
I also feel like just upping the timer for experts could fix the problem with em. Right now, it doesn't feel like advanced completions are a significant roadblock to the average player, but experts are. Most of the time it seems like people just don't even attempt experts bc they feel impossible due mostly to the timer. If it was closer to 7-10 minutes I feel like people would actually be incentivized to attempt em/practice hard endings.
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