Parkour Warrior needs more obstacles.

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22 July 2022
The Parkour Warrior Daily (and by extension, the rest of Dojo and Survivor) desperately needs attention.

From what I've observed by playing the daily almost religiously since release, the obstacles and courses hardly change day-to-day. I believe the obstacles in one day will see a variant the next day, and continue cycling through their variants until possibly switching to another obstacle. That means that every day you play a course that is very similar to yesterday's, but somewhat different to last week's.

However, this leads to situations where for the last 5-6 days, we've seen almost exactly the same course. The same obstacles, the same order, the same endings. And all of these are taken from a pool of obstacles that haven't been updated in months. I've seen maybe 2 new obstacles in Dojo and Survivor over the last 3 months. It's boring.

And now that the Daily is semi-locked behind a paywall, it very much feels like it's not worth it.

What happened to all the submissions? I know of at least dozens of submissions that have been submitted throughout the course of PKW on Island, and I haven't seen more than 2 new ones since release. It's frustrating and I wanted to speak out about it.

I fully appreciate that the Noxcrew's resources may be thin, and I apologise to you/them if I come across harshly. I love playing Island, and I've always supported the Noxcrew and given my feedback to help make things as best as possible. This is an area that I've been waiting for a change to for months now, and I'm tired of waiting and playing the same repetitive courses.

I'm open to discussing this, and I'm sure other players feel the same - the message just hasn't gotten through to you.
The Parkour Warrior Daily (and by extension, the rest of Dojo and Survivor) desperately needs attention.

From what I've observed by playing the daily almost religiously since release, the obstacles and courses hardly change day-to-day. I believe the obstacles in one day will see a variant the next day, and continue cycling through their variants until possibly switching to another obstacle. That means that every day you play a course that is very similar to yesterday's, but somewhat different to last week's.

However, this leads to situations where for the last 5-6 days, we've seen almost exactly the same course. The same obstacles, the same order, the same endings. And all of these are taken from a pool of obstacles that haven't been updated in months. I've seen maybe 2 new obstacles in Dojo and Survivor over the last 3 months. It's boring.

And now that the Daily is semi-locked behind a paywall, it very much feels like it's not worth it.

What happened to all the submissions? I know of at least dozens of submissions that have been submitted throughout the course of PKW on Island, and I haven't seen more than 2 new ones since release. It's frustrating and I wanted to speak out about it.

I fully appreciate that the Noxcrew's resources may be thin, and I apologise to you/them if I come across harshly. I love playing Island, and I've always supported the Noxcrew and given my feedback to help make things as best as possible. This is an area that I've been waiting for a change to for months now, and I'm tired of waiting and playing the same repetitive courses.

I'm open to discussing this, and I'm sure other players feel the same - the message just hasn't gotten through to you.
I agree with all of the point you've made here. Both from the perspective of a player and a creator of PKW obstacles, it does feel very boring and demotivating when the only obstacles that have been added to the pool over the last two months or so are basically just a dozen or so Noxcrew levels. That's not to say that these new levels are bad by any means, because they're not. Rather, it's just that they feel almost repetitive over time due to there not being a lot of variability in the Noxcrew levels, whereas the community submissions naturally have a much greater variability in level design, theme, etc..
Another really big issue that you kind of touched on was the lack of "Very Hard" courses in the rotation, or hard endings. Over the last five days, the hard ending for the daily course was one specific variant of that super annoying iron trapdoor ending, and then ladder flips. Two unique endings for five straight days. Obviously, that's not ideal.
About the whole community submissions concern, yeah, that's very true. Judging by the Community Contribution Points leaderboard, there have been, at the bare minimum, 74 community submissions that have already been accepted onto MCCI. My personal belief is that they're trying to gradually introduce new submissions into the obstacle pool, but the real issue with that is that they're just introducing them way too slow compared to what the rate of new courses realistically should be, especially considering that there should be a bunch of new community submissions being added onto MCCI relatively soon... hopefully.
Anyways, I guess what I'm trying to really say is that yeah, you're a hundred percent right. Hopefully this gets addressed sooner rather than later, it'd be nice to see a large wave of new Noxcrew and community-submitted obstacles on PKW soon, since it does really feel like the obstacles need a serious refresh. Hopefully we'll get an exception to the whole "monthly obstacle rotation" and get a mid-month injection of new obstacles for the dailies and Survivor to help them feel fresh again.
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