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Have you already received an admission ticket? If you have, make sure to claim in the server store ( ) for free!

If you haven't, in order to receive a ticket, you must register here:

Tickets go out in batches whenever Noxcrew feels like the server can handle more players. The people who receive tickets from the batches are randomized so there is no estimated wait time. The only thing you can do after registering is to wait patiently for a ticket to get sent to your email.


Has recibido un boleto de admisión? Si has, recuerda reclamar tu boleto gratuito aquí:

Para recibir un boleto, necesitas registrar aquí:

Si tu registras, tienes una oportunidad a recibir un boleto cuando Noxcrew mandan un grupo de boletos.

(Lo siento si mi español no es bueno. Tal vez puedes traducir mi sección en inglés).
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