Common Ideas
Convert 10 lures to 1 UL
Scavenge augments
Auto Equip lines
Favorite instances where you can auto-join into
Discard all broken augments button
Buff Greedy and Lucky Winds
-unlikely to happen but would be cool to see
Stackable Grottos
Private fishing instances (Party/Solo)
Junk Cans leaderboard (silly)
Upgradable Supply Preserve
Convert 10 lures to 1 UL
Scavenge augments
Auto Equip lines
Favorite instances where you can auto-join into
Discard all broken augments button
Buff Greedy and Lucky Winds
-unlikely to happen but would be cool to see
Stackable Grottos
Private fishing instances (Party/Solo)
Junk Cans leaderboard (silly)
Upgradable Supply Preserve