MCC Island Tester - CLOSED

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27 June 2022

MCC Island Tester applications are currently CLOSED!

MCC Island Testers are an important offshoot of the MCC Community. They help us test all MCC Island games, events and products to ensure they are of the highest quality so everyone on MCC Island has the best experience possible.

And we might just have a few laughs along the way while we do it 😛

Application Requirements

In order to apply, you must:
  • Have a valid Java Minecraft account
  • Must be at least 16 years old
  • Have a working microphone
  • Be able to communicate in English
  • Have a Forum Profile Picture

Application Process

If you meet the base requirements, you can apply to become an MCC Island Tester! Fill out your application in detail to ensure you show us all that you are capable of, as well as some general information about yourself. (All applications are private and can only be viewed by the Staff team)

Once you have submitted your application, the Tester Management team will review it within 2 months of submission.
  • If your application has been reviewed and denied, then you should expect not to receive any further communication within this period.
  • If your application has been reviewed and accepted, then you will be contacted via the provided Discord account by a member of the Tester Admin Team.

If you have any questions during this time, please contact the team via Modmail on the MCC Discord

If you have read the requirements and the process, then you are ready to apply:


MCC Island Tester applications are currently CLOSED!
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