I have never coded a mod before, but after a tiny bit of inspiration, a bit more effort, and a lot more sleepless nights, I have manufactured the very first instance of my glorious ingame speedrun timer!
Feast your eyes on this image:
Okay I know what you think, a little messy for now, but changes will be made!
Basically, with a bit of inspiration from LiveSplit, you can now have a fancy ingame timer window which will track your splits, total time, PB's, "gold" splits, and you won't have to do any setting up!
Whenever you start the course or finish an obstacle, the mod automatically detects that and makes a split in the timer. In the future it should automatically adapt to which course you are on, the only thing you have to set up is if you want to go for standard or expert!
Here's a video of the mod in action:
If you think this mod has potential or if you have any suggestions or questions, please leave a reply in this thread. If I see a lot of people want something like this I'll be more motivated to finish it 8)
I won't be releasing the mod right now as it is kinda unfinished in its current state. Keep in mind, since this is a completely cosmetic mod it should be fine under the MCCI rules, but before the mod is released I will send it over to the people at noxcrew just in case.
I have never coded a mod before, but after a tiny bit of inspiration, a bit more effort, and a lot more sleepless nights, I have manufactured the very first instance of my glorious ingame speedrun timer!
Feast your eyes on this image:
Okay I know what you think, a little messy for now, but changes will be made!
Basically, with a bit of inspiration from LiveSplit, you can now have a fancy ingame timer window which will track your splits, total time, PB's, "gold" splits, and you won't have to do any setting up!
Whenever you start the course or finish an obstacle, the mod automatically detects that and makes a split in the timer. In the future it should automatically adapt to which course you are on, the only thing you have to set up is if you want to go for standard or expert!
Here's a video of the mod in action:
If you think this mod has potential or if you have any suggestions or questions, please leave a reply in this thread. If I see a lot of people want something like this I'll be more motivated to finish it 8)
I won't be releasing the mod right now as it is kinda unfinished in its current state. Keep in mind, since this is a completely cosmetic mod it should be fine under the MCCI rules, but before the mod is released I will send it over to the people at noxcrew just in case.