Highrise barrier ceiling issue

With the recent patch notes, the ceiling barriers in HITW were changed to prevent people escaping some of the maps. Whilst the changes are understandable, there are a few things that affect general gameplay and, mainly, Wall-Surfing.

  • Using blast-off on Highrise is essentially useless, as you just slam your head on the ceiling and can’t get over the walls when you try to shoot yourself over.
  • We can no longer wall surf on Highrise, since you now hit your head when jumping on the walls. Trying to jump from wall to wall is now borderline impossible, and when using F5 it can be quite awful on the eyes.
  • As for the lowered Ice Palace ceiling, it isn’t too bad, but it could cause the same issues with limiting the height of Blast-Off.
  • Hot Potato and Blast-Off have also been quite unpredictable lately. I’m not sure if this is an intentional feature, but Hot-Pot now sends you flying much higher than before, and Blast-Off is harder to aim and control and will often barely boost you, boost you too much, or send you flying away from where you aimed.
We would really appreciate it if the barriers on Highrise were raised again. As for how to mitigate the issue of people breaking out of Highrise it would be great if a solution could be found that doesn’t sacrifice the vertical height of the map.

For example, lowering the platforms by a few blocks, raising the spectator stands by a few blocks, or moving the North-West-East-South walls slightly further away? I am aware that this could lead to having to re-code certain elements of the game, but having these things changed could prevent a lot of current and future issues from occurring.

(As an additional plea; raising the spectator stands by a few blocks on Beach, Highrise, and Classic would make it possible to wall-surf on all 6 maps, rather than 3. Wall-surfing isn’t the ‘aim of the game’ so to speak, but it is a skill a lot of mains use, and it is also pretty fun to do!)

Other than that, the changes were pretty minor and unobtrusive and thank you for your hard work as always!


  • highrise.mp4
    18.1 MB


25 January 2023
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Hi there,

Thank you for providing your feedback. We appreciate your help in making MCC Island the best it can be!

While we may not reply to your feedback thread, we want to assure you that your feedback will still be seen and reviewed by the team.

Thank you again for your help!
Yes pls highrise feels so wrong with the low barriers it's like i have 30 FOV. I also don't think noxcrew should prioritize fixing map escapes that so few people know how to do and only do them in plobbies over general gameplay and wall surfs.
I'd like to add on that it doesn't make sense visually that maps such as Ice Palace and Highrise have such short ceilings when the map is clearly not obstructed by a physical ceiling.

Ideally, I think the height of the ceiling should be whatever it is for Medieval (highest ceiling of all maps, and players don't hit the ceiling 99.9% of the time) for all maps, except for Classic and Fishbowl, which have their ceilings be at the roof of the building containing the maps.
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The barriers on highrise appear to be just bugged, when adding extra barriers to the sides of the map an unintended extra layer got added right above the platform. Will get fixed in a future patch.
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