Starting today, I'm going to try to give 5 bits of feedback each day, until there is nothing left to improve. These will mainly include small nitpicks, minor feature suggestions, innocent bugs and the like. This is what I came up with for today:
1. The order in which people are listed in your friend list is currently not case sensitive. It should be, as someone like PeteZahHutt currently appears beofre someone like jojosolos, because their name starts with a capital letter, even though their name comes later in the alphabet.
2. As far as I'm aware, there's no way to see how much Faction XP you need to level up. This would be a nice feature to have, and could for instance be shown in the Loyalty Road menu.
3. It would be nice if the time in which you finished the round in TGTTOS included at least 1 decimal place, as a second can be a pretty large time difference in TGTTOS and its fun to be able to keep track of your PB.
4. When hovering over the token icon in token shops, the rorating shop only shows the amount of tokens you have for the specific game the shop is for, while the static shop shows an overview of all your tokens. I see no reason for this inconsistency and would prefer the ability to see all my token counts like in the static shop, perhaps highlighting the game the shop belongs to.
5. In the overview of best players at the end of a Sky Battle game, it would be nice if the names were color coded based on what team they were on, rather than on their rank. This way, it's easier to see when a team dominated or when your teammate made the top 5.
1. The order in which people are listed in your friend list is currently not case sensitive. It should be, as someone like PeteZahHutt currently appears beofre someone like jojosolos, because their name starts with a capital letter, even though their name comes later in the alphabet.
2. As far as I'm aware, there's no way to see how much Faction XP you need to level up. This would be a nice feature to have, and could for instance be shown in the Loyalty Road menu.
3. It would be nice if the time in which you finished the round in TGTTOS included at least 1 decimal place, as a second can be a pretty large time difference in TGTTOS and its fun to be able to keep track of your PB.
4. When hovering over the token icon in token shops, the rorating shop only shows the amount of tokens you have for the specific game the shop is for, while the static shop shows an overview of all your tokens. I see no reason for this inconsistency and would prefer the ability to see all my token counts like in the static shop, perhaps highlighting the game the shop belongs to.
5. In the overview of best players at the end of a Sky Battle game, it would be nice if the names were color coded based on what team they were on, rather than on their rank. This way, it's easier to see when a team dominated or when your teammate made the top 5.